Song information

Lunartic Dial (Extended Mix)

Charted by Katz


Extreme: ★10

Artists: ZUN, Shiron
Tempo: 162 BPM
Length: 4:37
Style: Arcade
PV: None

The original track this remix is based on is called "Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial", composed by ZUN. It plays during Sakuya Izayoi's boss fight in the Touhou game Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

This version was made by Shiron and has previously been in the rhythm game Sound Voltex (although as a shorter version). The long version used here is featured in the album Red Roses under RTTF Records.

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Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 55
808.367 (55.67 %) CHEAP 465 (95) 294 (83) 186 (71) 94 (65) 99