Song information


Charted by Memorip


Hey everyone!

Sorry if the stars are annoying in bits, the BPM and accuracy of the game makes it a little less forgiving.
It was the only part that I decided to pass on and couldn't figure out, other than that Id say this is a success!
Id recommend setting your latency to around 30 for utmost accuracy. Good Luck! <3

Play Style: Console

Difficulty: 10☆
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 12
442.100 (48.90 %) CHEAP 266 (77) 162 (50) 83 (36) 50 (45) 129
Lvl. 15
438.000 (48.45 %) CHEAP 210 (81) 220 (51) 94 (45) 50 (31) 112
Lvl. 27
326.200 (36.08 %) CHEAP 144 (78) 178 (70) 71 (55) 43 (44) 220
Lvl. 3
307.800 (34.05 %) CHEAP 143 (85) 136 (86) 98 (59) 70 (71) 143