Song information

0 people's waltz

Charted by AegbGo


Here with another chart! (a troublesome one because I thought it had BPM changes lol, but turns out it didnt) a friend asked me to do this, so why not?

0 People's waltz by Babuchan
Vocals: Hatsune Miku
Chart by AegbGo
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 36
451.000 (78.98 %)
334 (23) 113 (13) 51 (8) 11 (4) 11
Lvl. 50
441.300 (77.29 %)
330 (32) 120 (25) 30 (11) 3 (8) 10
Lvl. 19
307.000 (53.77 %) CHEAP 183 (42) 111 (33) 66 (19) 22 (31) 61
29 298.200 (52.22 %) CHEAP 199 (28) 100 (34) 33 (53) 27 (71) 23