Song information

Reckless Rampage Girl

Charted by zmannfinity


BPM: 155
Extreme - 10*
Extra - 10*

First time making multiple difficulties for a chart. Extra is my original intended difficulty for this song, but I was worried some of it would be too crazy as I made some parts harder than my skill level. Extreme is still hard enough to be a 10* on its own in my opinion, but it is nerfed down a good bit.

Either way, hope the chart is fun to play as this song was a lot of fun to chart!
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 69
1.132.900 (95.28 %)
1007 (3) 151 (9) 10 (4) 1 (1) 2
Lvl. 88
1.041.500 (87.59 %)
909 (43) 146 (21) 29 (12) 12 (7) 9
Lvl. 190
1.010.900 (85.02 %)
789 (27) 247 (22) 47 (14) 8 (8) 22