Song information

Triple Baka

Charted by Blake Izayoi


Chart Style: Arcade

Hard - ☆6.5
Extreme - ☆9

This chart was created in PPD, then ported to Project Heartbeat by me.
Charting this song was really fun, and it was done for a purpose too: today (November 18th)
is my 8th anniversary with Miku. Coincidentally, this was the first Miku song I've ever listened to,
so I thought it'd be appropriate to make my next chart this song. The chart was finished
around 5 days ago from the uploading of this chart, but I wanted to save it for today to make
it extra special. I hope you enjoy!

There are two videos on this Workshop page! One of them is the song itself, and the other is a Extreme difficulty preview (recorded in the PPD engine, and not in Project Heartbeat).

Neither the song nor the images used in this chart are owned by me! I only own the chart data itself.
If anyone involved with the creation of the song / images want me to delete this, I will gladly comply.
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
176 607.835 (76.94 %)
408 (35) 152 (26) 53 (8) 22 (11) 75
Lvl. 5
603.574 (76.40 %)
321 (33) 227 (18) 78 (10) 27 (3) 73
Lvl. 4
600.048 (75.96 %)
381 (43) 200 (33) 51 (11) 15 (9) 47
Lvl. 11
597.662 (75.65 %)
383 (23) 211 (24) 65 (14) 15 (4) 51
Lvl. 17
559.534 (70.83 %) CHEAP 421 (69) 138 (25) 42 (18) 19 (7) 51
Lvl. 9
556.328 (70.42 %) CHEAP 319 (45) 206 (28) 87 (14) 42 (11) 38
Lvl. 3
523.551 (66.27 %) CHEAP 300 (27) 217 (25) 80 (17) 30 (4) 90
Lvl. 14
430.384 (54.48 %) CHEAP 239 (70) 158 (43) 76 (39) 54 (17) 94