Song information

Rainbow Road

Charted by Blake Izayoi


Chart Style: Arcade

Hard - ☆6
Extreme - ☆7.5

This chart was created in PPD, then ported to Project Heartbeat by me.
This chart is a remaster of my first ever chart published on PPD. For people that don't play PPD,
and only know of Project Heartbeat, this'll be the first time you'll see this song.
I had a lot of fun remaking / remastering this chart, and it's really shown me how far I've
come over the past 3 years in my charting adventure.
I hope you enjoy playing this chart just as much as I did remastering it.

Neither the song nor the images used in this chart are owned by me! I only own the chart data itself.
If anyone involved with the creation of the song / images want me to delete this, I will gladly comply.
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 21
307.898 (86.30 %)
196 (12) 78 (9) 9 (6) 3 (3) 18
Lvl. 10
275.267 (80.43 %)
182 (13) 66 (21) 17 (11) 3 (5) 16
Lvl. 8
274.745 (80.13 %)
175 (12) 63 (10) 32 (11) 12 (6) 13
Lvl. 13
267.153 (79.66 %)
174 (14) 69 (17) 22 (6) 8 (8) 16
Lvl. 5
243.978 (73.05 %) CHEAP 156 (17) 70 (26) 15 (27) 4 (9) 10