Song information

Momoiro Key

Momoiro no Kagi

Charted by AegbGo


I love this song so much alksjdlaksj
I'm sorry if you find some sections slightly off, but its really hard to make notes be accurate to a human singing, especially in a song with complicated rhythm like this.

Momoiro Key - Peach-Colored Key - Momoiro no Kagi - ももいろの鍵 by iyowa
Vocals: Airi Momoi - Shizuku Hinomori - Minori Hanasato - Haruka Kiritani - Megurine Luka
Chart by AegbGo
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 16
424.656 (83.59 %)
291 (27) 108 (15) 22 (8) 15 (5) 17
Lvl. 30
405.061 (77.74 %)
301 (39) 62 (35) 10 (27) 4 (27) 3