Song information

Follow the Christmas Line

Charted by firedragon68


Made for the Project Heartbeat Discord competition
Extreme: 8.5*
Extreme (short): 8.5*

Song by the Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra-- both the original "Following Stanley" and this Christmas remix.

Note: this chart is 10 hours long. The short version is the last ~4 minutes.
I disabled the video so it shouldn't take an eternity to download, but the full version is so big that it doesn't load in the editor. If you don't plan to spend the next 10 hours playing this song, play the short version.
There are short breaks in the chart at the quarter marks, but if anyone legitimately wants to play the entire 10 hours then I recommend you pause when you need to.
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 31
1.576.046 (1.54 %) CHEAP 1196 (2) 135 (2) 18 (0) 3 (0) 100697