Song information



Charted by Hinae


Chart Style: Arcade (Extreme) "Around and around in the Merry Go Round of Love!"

Also known as: Merii, Merry

Composed/Arranged by: Funta
Lyrics by: yura
Vocals: Haruka Amami (CV. Nakamura Eriko), Chihaya Kisaragi (CV. Imai Asami), Yayoi Takatsuki (CV. Nigo Mayako), Makoto Kikuchi (CV. Hirata Hiromi), Miki Hoshii (CV. Hasegawa Akiko)
Vocals (alt ver.): Shiho Kitazawa (CV. Amamiya Sora), Kana Yabuki (CV. Kido Ibuki)

This is a song from the CD THE iDOLM@STER Christmas for you!, originally released in 2007.
The MV is from it's later debut in THE iDOLM@STER Million Live! Theater Days.
Pictured in the song background is official iDOLM@STER art featuring the 5 characters, presumably scanned from an artbook.
An alternate video is included, specially a duet version of the song by Shihko Kitazawa and Kana Yubuki of the same series. I would probably tinker with your offset if you use this version.
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 88
485.143 (107.45 %)
366 (0) 1 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0
Lvl. 141
458.336 (104.23 %)
338 (1) 20 (2) 2 (0) 0 (1) 3
Lvl. 31
455.574 (103.60 %)
331 (2) 25 (0) 3 (0) 2 (0) 4
Lvl. 68
436.270 (97.25 %)
270 (6) 67 (3) 11 (0) 3 (1) 6
Lvl. 64
401.801 (94.23 %)
277 (13) 48 (7) 5 (6) 4 (3) 4
Lvl. 57
362.488 (90.06 %)
257 (14) 49 (8) 12 (10) 8 (4) 5
Lvl. 59
339.992 (85.97 %)
245 (13) 43 (20) 16 (8) 6 (7) 9