Song information

Hide Away (Verbalase's $50k Hazbin Hotel animation commisson)

Charted by hachi


Charlie (from Hazbin Hotel) x Verbalase's OC fanfic animation
Commissioned by Verbalase himself, who apparently spent $50k on this animation
This is the full and complete animation. No nudity, but the animation is definitely suggestive.
In case anyone from the future is looking back at this and wondering about it, it's a pretty funny animation that gets memed often from around this time (as of Jan. 25th, 2024).

Animation aside - the song is by Synapson, sung by Holly.
Chart made by hachi (myself).
Pos Player Score Rating Cool Fine Safe Sad Worst
Lvl. 7
259.734 (68.17 %) CHEAP 187 (34) 76 (16) 13 (8) 4 (7) 36
Lvl. 13
244.785 (64.25 %) CHEAP 158 (33) 86 (25) 22 (12) 12 (7) 26
Lvl. 14
219.336 (57.57 %) CHEAP 136 (29) 62 (21) 29 (25) 17 (14) 48
54 207.736 (54.52 %) CHEAP 139 (37) 50 (26) 14 (18) 18 (15) 64
Lvl. 20
149.906 (39.35 %) CHEAP 87 (47) 41 (29) 21 (33) 25 (21) 77
Lvl. 10
114.013 (29.92 %) CHEAP 56 (38) 57 (30) 20 (23) 14 (16) 66
Lvl. 6
94.973 (24.93 %) CHEAP 46 (29) 41 (27) 26 (28) 19 (29) 136
Lvl. 5
63.700 (16.72 %) CHEAP 35 (30) 17 (33) 26 (33) 21 (52) 134